Thursday, August 24, 2017

Finding Inspiration

How does one find inspiration in the doldrums of everyday life?  My first thought is that the immediate answer is to shift one's perspective.  Sounds easier than it is in practice.  Certainly there are a number of seemingly endless menial tasks that each and every one of us must engage in on a daily basis.  We stare out of the same window, wash the same dishes, clean the same floor, work at the same desk... the list goes on an on, right?
Change your day like this into...
Wrong!  Wrong, you ask?  Yes, wrong!  It's a choice to see everything as the same.  Why not enjoy the intricacies of each task.  Maybe it's the way the wind blows across the trees as they change into their fall colors, remembering the wonderful meal you just enjoyed as you wash those dishes, reflecting upon the wonderful company you had this week as you wipe the floor, or even giving yourself a pat on the back for the brilliant idea you had yesterday while sitting at your desk.

a day like THIS!!!!!!
These photos taken on the same day within a four minute span!
And, oh the surprises that we encounter at times, especially when we are lucky enough to face a hillside covered by trees!  I can easily shift my perspective by choosing to focus upon and admire the beauty of the trees while blocking out the busy street, the parking lot, and dilapidated building below and across the way.

Choosing to see the positive: the beautiful portion of the view from my window.
There are plenty of inspiring moments if we remember to look for them.

Are you ready to open yourself up to the opportunities presented?



The results of turning a day that was a bust into something memorable.
Piranha fishing on a day that was too hot to do much of anything (A.K.A. not a bird in sight).
Don't worry, this "little" guy was put right back into the Amazon!

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